Feeling Like a Room Without a Roof
Posted by Brandi in Uncategorized on April 29, 2014
Who hasn’t been inspired by Pharrell’s Happy? Paisley asks to listen to it three times in a row, and neck dances the entire time! That song came at a time when I desperately needed an upbeat and positive reminder to just be happy for the sake of being happy. I have to believe that it’s touched all of us in a way that we needed.
That song is a big inspiration – dare I say theme song – for our trip. Can you say Summer of Happy?
If you’re one of the eight people on earth who hasn’t heard it, or haven’t gotten your daily listen, here it is.
And if that’s not enough to make you want to be happy, or love Happy, watching Pharrell cry about it on Oprah is worth your time.
Happiness is the truth!